Endora’s Partners

At Endora, we know that there are many ways to improve our well-being beyond traditional therapy. 

Our Endora Partners Program is where we unite with other businesses in the community to highlight ways we can intentionally incorporate activities into our daily routines that are enjoyable AND come with the "side effects" of feelings of happiness, gratitude, and optimism. 

In our case, Endora's games spark the benefits of Nostalgic Reflection, scientifically proven to decrease feelings of anxiety, loneliness, and depression, which is sadly and sorely needed in today's world. 

But what's really exciting is Nostalgic Reflection's unique status as a tool that connects us with others, makes us more creative, and allows us to access what we need from our past to envision our best futures! 

If you'd like to partner with us to support Mental Health Awareness, please contact us to request more information!
